Jesse Andriesse

Jesse Andriesse was born on September 18, 2002, in Leeuwarden. His fascination with news media began in childhood, drawing mustaches and bunny ears on newspaper images. This curiosity deepened during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to an obsession with doom-scrolling. Andriesse’s studies at Gerrit Rietveld Academie (GRA) further shaped his artistic focus on media and politics, reflecting his background as an activist, party member, and election candidate. Through his work, Andriesse seeks to disrupt the polished surface of political staging, revealing the imperfections and bridging the gap between political presentation and personal experience.

For Best of Graduates 2024, Jesse Andriesse presents an exploration of news media and politics through his sculptures and installations. His work explores the recurring symbols and objects that populate political news, questioning the staged nature of political presentation. Andriesse’s pieces, such as HMMM, LECTERNS, €U-PHORIC, and LOVE LOCKS, use everyday objects to highlight the disconnection between political staging and lived reality.