The first RM Residency Award
Galerie Ron Mandos is happy to announce the RM Residency Award, granted for the first time to Shimon Kamada, graduate student from the HKU. The award was created this year to give a young talented artist the opportunity to work on a new series of work at the new Galerie Ron Mandos residence in Rotterdam. The works created during this residency will be showcased in a special RM Residency exhibition.
“Shimon Kamada is a very talented and versatile painter whose work shows so much sensibility and painterly skill. The way he fuses recognizable settings from everyday life with fantasy and dreamlike elements keeps fascinating me. With our new residency program I would like to support this talented artist and add an extra layer to the Best of Graduates platform. This way we strengthen our program to foster young talent and to introduce young artists to the world of galleries, collectors and curators.”
– Ron Mandos