Milah van Zuilen
Milah van Zuilen is a visual artist and forest ecologist in training. She aims to bend the fields of art and ecology closer towards each other. To her, scientific ways of observing, analysing and capturing are very similar to artistic ways of seeing. Through pseudo-scientific fieldwork, she researches this similarity and questions the sense of ownership that can come with scientifically looking at the land.
She graduated cum laude from the Willem de Kooning Academy with a BFA in Photography within the school’s Honours Programme. She is currently nominated for both the Drempelprijs 2021 and the Exceed Expectations scholarship 2021. She was invited for residencies in Finland, the Netherlands and Berlin. As part of her graduation project, she followed classes on forest ecology at Wageningen University, within their Forest & Nature Conservation Pre-Master. She is also co-founder of JARO, a space for ecology-related artist residencies in the Czech Republic.