Best of Graduates 2021: The Official Selection
We are delighted to announce the participants of Best of Graduates 2021, the fourteenth edition of our annual exhibition that will take place at Galerie Ron Mandos. Best of Graduates gives a platform to newly graduated talents from art academies in the Netherlands and introduces them to the world of galleries, collectors and curators. Radek Vana, head curator of the Best of Graduates has recently visited, together with the team of Galerie Ron Mandos, every art academy to admire this year’s graduating talent. With great care, a wonderful selection was made.
It is therefore our pleasure to invite you to the Opening Week of Best of Graduates 2021, which takes place from Wednesday, July 28 through Sunday, August 1. The exhibition is a must see for art lovers and professionals eager to discover a new generation of talented artists.
Academy Minerva, Groningen:
Paola Quiñonez, Till Schönwetter, Morgan Ton
AKI ArtEZ, Enschede:
Bart Pols, Bas Schippers, Esmee van Zeeventer
AKV St. Joost, Den Bosch:
Cas van der Steen
Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam:
Damien Troadec, Ronald Boom, Maikel Deekman, Carmen Garcias Ramos, Mica Pan
HKU, Utrecht:
Michelle van Ketwich, Luke McCowan, Jochem Mestriner, Tian Teng, Emma van Amerongen, Marloes Roeper
KABK, The Hague:
Alexander Jermilov, Alice West, Joseph Thabang Palframan, Antonia Mayer
Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam:
Milah van Zuilen, Sander Coers
Best of Graduates 2021
Curated by Radek Vana and Team Galerie Ron Mandos
Date: Wednesday, July 28 – Saturday, August 21
Location: Galerie Ron Mandos, Prinsengracht 282
COVID-19 measures
As we continue to deal with the health and safety measures of the COVID-19 virus, it is our priority to ensure the safety of the visitors to Best of Graduates. Therefore, Gallery Ron Mandos operates with 30-minute time slots for up to 20 people. Reserve your time slot through the following link: Tijdslot – Best of Graduates 2021
For questions about the exhibition, please contact Galerie Ron Mandos gallery manager Sheila Verdegaal at sheila@ronmandos.